Sabil and Kuttab of Amin Afandi bin Haizah

About the place

  • Country : Egypt , Cairo

  • Address : Al Fagalah, Al Azbakeya, Cairo Governorate

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

  • Establishing Date : 1646 AD - 1056 AH

  • founder : Ali bin Haizah

Sabil and Kuttab of Amin Afandi bin Haizah

Historic overview:

It was established by Ali bin Haizah in the year 1646 AD - 1056 AH, and the Sabil of ibn Haizah was the first Ottoman Sabil in Cairo that still exists until now.

Architectural description:

The sabil is overrode by a Kuttab, and it has one window for drinking water, and it occupies the corner of ‘Atafat Al-Aqta.

The drinking room is rectangular and has a window for watering people next to the entrance to the sabil and the Kuttab.

The entrance has a rectangular shape crowned with a round arch, and there is Maksala on each side of the entrance.

Al-Maksala is a mastaba (seat) that was built on both sides of the religious and civil facilities, for those who visited these buildings to use them to sit for the purpose of comfort and relaxation.

The watering window is set back into the wall of the north-western façade in order to use the front window base to place cups and drinking bowls.

There is a small rectangular window on the southwestern façade, with a stone installed at the bottom to provide the poor neighbourhood residents with free water in their homes.

The Kuttab: is at the top of the sabil, it overlooks the street through two aisles, each consisting of two arches resting on one column in the middle.


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