Ferghana Valley

About the place

  • Country : Kyrgyzstan , Osh

  • Address : Fergana Valley, Kyrgyzstan

  • Category : Valleys and Caves

Ferghana Valley


The Ferghana Valley, which extends 300 km in length and 150 km in width, was known in the Soviet era as the agricultural heart of the state, and a very fertile oasis, with no free space from cotton fields and fruit trees, especially apricots, apples and pomegranates, which are famous for the valley throughout Central Asia.

Because of its agricultural fertility, the valley ranked first in the region in terms of high population density, as today about ten million people live in it, half of whom are Kyrgyz, a third of them are Uzbeks, and the rest are Tajiks.

Despite this ethnic diversity, the inhabitants of Ferghana Valley lived in it for centuries ago as a homogeneous population, and they showed their solidarity on the basis of the bond that Islam created between them.

Analysts say: After the success of the Communist Revolution of 1917 AD and the establishment of the former Soviet Union, the unity of the Valley represented a source of danger for the new communist rulers, and they divided it comically between the three countries in 1924, with the aim of inflaming ethnic conflicts among the population continuously.

They said in the past, within the borders of the state of Islam: between Ghana and Ferghana, and Ghana is in West Africa.

Current location: 

The Ferghana Valley is located in the region between Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.


Al waai Al Islami Magazine Issue 221 - The Nineteenth Year Jumada Al-Akhira 1426 AH - July 2005








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