Antarah Ibn Shaddad Rock

About the place

  • Country : Saudi Arabia , Al-Qassim

  • Address : Ghaf al-Jawa 52775, Saudi Arabia

  • Category : Other Places

Antarah Ibn Shaddad Rock

Current location:

Antarah Ibn Shaddad Rock is one of the relics that recounts the history of Antara Bin Shaddad. It is a large rock of sandstone affected by erosion, and it is located two kilometers northwest of the center of Ghaf al-Jawa in al-Qasim. The rock is covered with many animal drawings and Thamudic and Nabatieh inscriptions on the rock; the rock has some distortions due to drilling and erosion.
Al-Nusala Rock, is close to Antara Rock, in Al Gawa; it is also covered in graffiti inscriptions.


The program "Ala Khota Al- Arab" by Dr. Eid Al Yahya, Part 1, Episode 18


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