The Two Tents of Umm Mabad

About the place

  • Country : Saudi Arabia , Holy Mecca

  • Address : Qadid ,Saudi Arabia

  • Category : Other Places

The Two Tents of Umm Mabad:

Historic overview:

Yakoot said: They call it the well of Um Mabad: Between Mecca and Medina. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stayed in this place in his migration, and with him Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him.

Current location:

Al-Biladi said: The tent of Umm Mabad: Nowdays, it is located at the end of Kedeed from the northern part and under the Meshalel from the southern part.


"Dictionary of Countries" by Yakut Hamwi 2/414-415

"Historical Atlas of the Prophet's Biography" by Sami Al-Majlouth

“Dictionary of Maalem al Hijaz " Dr. Atiq bin Ghaith al-Biladi 3/188



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