The Prophet's Mosque (Al Tawba Mosque)

About the place

  • Country : Saudi Arabia , Tabuk

  • Address : Tabuk 47914, Saudi Arabia

  • Category : Mosques

  • Establishing Date : 9 AH

  • founder : Umayyad caliph "Omar bin Abdulaziz"

The Prophet's Mosque (Al Tawba Mosque)


It is considered one of the most famous landmarks of Tabuk, as it occupies a high position in the city, and it is also called (the ancient mosque or Al Tawba Mosque), and it was named (The Prophet's Mosque), as its construction dates back to the era of “our prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.” Our Holy Prophet prayed in it during the Battle of Tabuk.

Al Tawba Mosque is close to (Tabuk Fortress) and along the well-known and very famous markets of the city, the most important of which is (Al-Jada Market or Fahd Bin Sultan Avenue), in addition to that the mosque is close to Prince Fahd Bin Sultan Road and Othman Bin Affan Road.

Architectural description:

It was built in the year 9 AH during the Battle of Tabuk, then the first building of this mosque was during the reign of the Umayyad caliph "Omar bin Abdulaziz" using mud and palm fronds for the roof of the mosque. After that, the mosque was built and renovated during the Ottoman era in 1062 AH, corresponding to 1651 AD. Then it was rebuilt for the second time in the Saudi era, as it was renovated in the style of Al Masjid an Nabawi in the year 1393 AH.

Historic overview:

The mosque gained this great status because it expresses an important historical stage represented in the Battle of Tabuk and the army of Al-Usrah, which the Prophet, “may God bless him and grant him peace,” prepared in the year 9 AH in order to meet the Roman army. According to what was mentioned in the historical books, the establishment of the mosque dates back to the period of the Battle of Tabuk, when “our honorable Messenger Muhammad” decided that the Muslim army should meet the Roman army in the year 9 of the Hijrah. So the Prophet prepared the army of Al-Usrah, and when the army, led by the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, arrived in the Tabuk region at the spot where the mosque is located, they remained for a period of twenty full nights, and during that period no one from the Roman army came to them, so the Prophet took this mosque as a place to receive the delegations that come for reconciliation and payment of tribute. The Prophet performed prayers in it for about ten nights, and this is due to the fact that the mosque is considered close to Ain Jariya, which was called at this time Ain Al Sukkar, which is now known as (Ain Tabuk).


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