Al Waht and Al Wahit Park

About the place

  • Country : Saudi Arabia , Taif

  • Address : Al-Waht and Al-Wahit Tourist Road, Taif 26729, Saudi Arabia

  • Category : Parks and Gardens

Al Waht and Al Wahit Park


Al-Waht and Al-Wahit Park is an archaeological settlement located west of the Taif region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in which there are many rare artifacts.

"Al-Waht and Al-Wahit Park" is located along the (Wadi Waj) road from the west, after Ikrimah, specifically west of the Taif region in the Kingdom, and it is an area very close to Al-Mathana and is separated from it only by the ring road leading to Al-Shifa, known as Al-Hada Road, for those coming from the Makkah Road.

• The area of the park exceeds one million square meters, as it is considered one of the very large parks within Taif and the Kingdom. The park is characterized by the fact that it is full of various trees, including rare and old species, including the natural acacia trees that dominate the place.

Historic overview:

Al-Waht and Al-Wahit is an ancient settlement, and the real reason behind naming it with that wonderful name, which means in Arabic "the quiet and reassuring place", is not known. The history of the settlement of "Al-Waht and Al-Wahit" dates back to prehistoric times, but this particular area was not recognized as an archaeological area until the historical period between the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates.

It was mentioned by the honorable companion Amr ibn al-Aas, may God be pleased with him, and wished to stay there because of its splendor and green appearance, when he was in the land of Morocco and saw the greenery and beauty of nature and said: If I did not have a valley in Al-Waht and Al-Wahit, I would have stayed in this land.

• There is a variety of trees in the valley that adorn the area, and there lies the oldest, largest and tallest tree. It is 1500 years old and is considered one of the most important monuments of the place. Its length is approximately 120 to 150 m, and its trunk width exceeds between 5 to 7 m, which makes it an important tourist destination for visitors from all over the world.

• There are also two cemeteries in the settlement, one of which dates back to the pre-Islamic era and the other to the post-Islamic era, as well as a large group of circular wells lined with stones that were famous at that time and used to obtain water. One of the most famous features of the valley is the garden of Amr ibn al-Aas, which was mentioned in many historical sources.


taiftourism website

almrsal website

sauditravel website

trfihi-parks website

Taif Municipality













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