Alexandria University

About the place

  • Country : Egypt , Alexandria

  • Address : El-Geish Road, Azarita wa Shatby, Qism Bab Sharqi, Alexandria

  • Category : Educational Centers

  • Establishing Date : 1938

Alexandria University


It is one of the largest universities in Egypt, and the third university established after Cairo University and the American University in Cairo.

Alexandria University includes more than 20 colleges that teach various types of social, medical, engineering, sport sciences and others.

The university has other branches in Egypt outside the city of Alexandria in Damanhur and Matruh. Other branches of the university outside Egypt are scheduled to be established in Juba in southern Sudan, and in N'Djamena, the capital of the Republic of Chad.

Alexandria University, like most other Egyptian universities, is under the supervision of the Supreme Council of Universities, which is a government agency that sets the general policy for education in Egyptian universities.

Historic overview:

The establishment of the university dates back to 1938, during the reign of King Farouk.

The university was named Farouk University in 1942 AD, and after the July Revolution in 1952 AD, the university's name was changed to its current name "Alexandria University", and since then many other colleges have been added to the university.


Official university website








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