Edgware Rd

About the place

  • Country : The United Kingdom , London

  • Address : The Arab Street starts at Marble Arch in the City of Westminster (south end) and runs north to Edgware in the London Borough of Barnet

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Edgware Rd


Edgware Rd also known as Arabs Street is one of the best streets in London. It is a place where various cultures blend together. It houses many Arabs from all over the Middle East, North Africa and the other Muslim countries.

It is the best example for the blend between Arab and British cultures.


Edgware Road is very old; it is one of the first populated streets of the city. Arabs started flooding the street around 100 years ago. The Egyptians were the first to come to the street. They were followed by the Lebanese and then other nationalities followed suit. In Edgware road, Arabic shop signs are everywhere unlike in other European cities. The British government represented by the municipality gave permission to developing the Arab road as long as the law is not broken.










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