Cadbury World

About the place

  • Country : The United Kingdom , Birmingham

  • Address : Linden Rd, Birmingham B30 1JR, UK

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : 1990

Cadbury World


 Cadbury World is located in Linden, Birmingham. It is an interesting tourist destination especially for chocolate lovers. It is a favorite for all family members, young and old. Visitors can learn about the history of chocolate making and ingredients and different stages for the process starting from the seeds and ending with the product sold in the markets. Cadbury Factory Birmingham was opened in 1990. However, opening the factory for the public was not an option. By time, the factory became one of the most famous chocolate factories in the world. It started drawing visitors to take a look on how chocolate is made from the beginning to the end. In the factory, visitors can learn about different types of chocolate and different mixes. It also offers workshops on how to make it.


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