Al Najdi Mosque

About the place

  • Country : Saudi Arabia , Jazan City

  • Address : Farasan Island 88346, Saudi Arabia

  • Category : Mosques

  • Establishing Date : 1347 AH

  • founder : Al Lo'lo' Ibrahim Al-Tamimi

Al Najdi Mosque 


"Al Najdi Mosque" is one of the most important Islamic tourist attractions located in Farasan Island in Jazan, west of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It is also one of the old mosques, which was built by "Al Lo'lo' Ibrahim Al-Tamimi" in 1347 AH.

Architectural Description:

It is characterized by the Islamic inscriptions and decorations, which are very similar to those in "Al Hamra Palace Mosque" in Andalusia - Spain.

It is a white mosque from the outside, and its design takes the shape of a rectangle. It is 29 meters long and 19.4 meters wide. The mosque has two entrances, one from the eastern side and the other from the western side.

The internal division of the mosque consists of two parts; the prayer hall and an open courtyard. The mosque is surrounded by a two meter high fence, part of which is built with stones, and the upper part of it was built lengthwise before being covered with cement and then painted in white.

As for the prayer hall or the prayer house, there are prominent pillars in its corners from the outside. As for the mosque’s mihrab (the prayer niche), it mediates the qibla wall and takes a rectangular shape like the mosque shape from the outside. The hall has two entrances on the southern side of the mosque, separating it from the exposed courtyard. 








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