Museum of Culture

About the place

  • Country : Switzerland , Lugano

  • Address : Riva Antonio Caccia 5, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland

  • Category : Museums

  • Establishing Date : 1989

Museum of Culture 

Museo delle culture


• The Museum of Culture is located to the east of the charming Swiss city center of Lugano, on the shore of the lake of the same name. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Switzerland and one of the most popular museums in Switzerland for tourists and locals alike.

• The main objective of establishing the "Museum of Culture" is to introduce visitors from all over the world and from different cultures to the most prominent cultures of the world, east and west, throughout history, such as the history and culture of the Indochina Islands, Southeast Asia, the Hawaiian archipelago and other civilizations and cultures in one place. The museum was opened in 1989.

• The Museum of Culture is located in the center-east of Lugano, overlooking Lake Lugano.

Inside the museum:

• The "Museum of Culture" in Lugano includes many different paintings and sculptures, which vary according to the type of culture they reflect. We find wooden sculptures and statues that reflect the African culture and its famous tribes, and we find statues that express Indian, Chinese and other beliefs and other countries. Do not be surprised if you find what reflects the culture of your country over there.

• The museum provides with each statue or sculpture a small educational board that introduces you to the culture from which it descends and explains to you the significance of this structure, or you can seek the help of free guides inside the museum to know more deeply about each exhibit you encounter inside the museum.


Official Website

Tournaa website

Omallqura website

Tripadvisor website

Urtrips website

Switzerland Tourism website








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