Maison de Victor Hugo

About the place

  • Country : France , Paris

  • Address : 6 Place des Vosges, 75004 Paris, France

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

Maison de Victor Hugo


• Maison de Victor Hugo is a writer's house museum in Paris.

• It is situated in 3rd and 4th arrondissement of Paris in Place des Vosge which encompasses the Hôtel de Rohan Guéménée. Victor Hugo rented an apartment and lived on the second floor of the mansion from 1832 to 1848.

Historic overview

• Maison de Victor Hugo is one of the 14 City of Paris' Museums that have been incorporated since January 1, 2013 in the public institution Paris Musées.

• In 1832, he moved with his family into the house, owned by Mrs. Péan de Saint-Gilles. They rented a 280 square meter apartment on the second floor, which is part of Hôtel de Rohan-Guéméné.

• During Victor Hugo's stay at this house, he was able to get to know his friends Lamartine, Alexandre Dumas, Honoré de Balzac, Prosper Mérimée and Sainte-Beuve who married his daughter Léopoldine.

• After 1848, the building went through renovations; it was hard to reconstruct the original frame of the building, for example the disappearance of the corridors and balconies overlooking the square. However, they kept the original structure of the building.

• After Antoine François Passy, one of the heirs sold the mansion in 1873, the museum and exhibition were made thanks to the contribution of Hugo's good friend, Paul Maurice, who enabled the Paris municipality in 1902 to purchase the building. The museum was inaugurated on the 30th June 1903.

• Upon visiting the museum, you can see Victor Hugo apartment on the second floor and several exhibition rooms.

Architectural description

• Victor Hugo’s life had been divided into three major periods: before exile, exile and after exile. The apartment has been arranged according to these times and is thus organized as a chronological journey.

• This room is the place where Victor Hugo spent his childhood and youth and early years of his marriage to Adèle Foucher. The Red lounge evokes the time of his first literary success, as you can find his books and possessions also a marble bust of the poet by David d’Angers.

• The Chinese Lounge evokes the period of his exile from 1852 to 1870. There are many art works evoking his exile in Guernsey, and portraits of him and his family members.

How to get there

Nearest subway station: Bastille, Chemin Vert

Nearest bus lines: 20, 29, 65, 69, 76, 96



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