Sabil of Sulayman Agha al-Silahdar

About the place

  • Country : Egypt , Cairo

  • Address : Islamic Cairo, El-Gamaleya, El Gamaliya, Cairo Governorate

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

  • Establishing Date : 1255 AH / 1839 AD

  • founder : Prince Sulayman Agha al-Silahdar

Sabil of Sulayman Agha al-Silahdar

Historic overview:

It was ordered to be built by Prince Sulayman Agha al-Silahdar in 1255 AH / 1839 AD, With the mosque and the construction took two years (1253-1255 AH = 1837-1839 AD).

Architectural description:

The Sabil consists of a rectangular room with four opening windows to the southeast of the sabil to water people, these windows are in openings knotted with semi-circular arches. Metal wire and glass windows cover the windows from the inside. In each window, there is an oval-shaped marble basin.

As for the north-western wall, there is an entrance door to the sabil, and the southwestern wall has two windows overlooking Haret Beregwan.

The sabil is covered with a flat wooden ceiling decorated with rococo decorations which are successive geometric units.

As for Kuttab, it is a rectangular room with four rectangular windows opening in its south-eastern wall overlooking Al Moez Ldin Allah Street.

Kuttab is covered by a flat wood ceiling decorated with rococo decorations.

The minaret is located to the left of the entrance of the sabil and the kuttab in the main façade. It is built of sculpted lobed stone, and it is 22 m high.


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