Sabil of Hassan Agha Arzenkan

About the place

  • Country : Egypt , Cairo

  • Address : Ahmed Maher, El-Darb El-Ahmar, Cairo Governorate

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

  • Establishing Date : 1246 AH / 1830 AD

  • founder : Prince Hassan Agha Arzenkan

 Sabil of Hassan Agha Arzenkan

Historic overview:

Sabil of Hassan Agha Arzenkan was established in 1246 AH / 1830 AD and was commissioned by Prince Hassan Agha Arzenkan.

This Sabil was moved from Al-Darb Al-Ahmar to Ahmed Maher Street.

Architectural description:

It is an independent sabil topped by a kuttab and has two façades, the northwestern facade of which has a window topped with foundational writings, and an office has been established over it to teach Muslim orphans the Holy Qur’an, and its land is furnished with colored marble, and what remains now is the Sabil.


"Al Khotat Al Tawfiqiya Al Gadeda" by Ali Mubarak

Dr. Mahmoud Fattouh's blog

Al-Bawaba News Newspaper, Tuesday 11 July 2017 issue





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