Neuve Square (Place de Neuve)

About the place

  • Country : Switzerland , Geneva

  • Address : Place de Neuve, 1204 Genève, Switzerland

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : 1564 AD

Neuve Square (Place de Neuve)


Place Neuve is the main square in Geneva.

The square is one of the gates of the old town, which is the "Newfoundland" gate that was installed in 1564 AD, to provide protection for the town.

The square includes the "Grand Theatre", " Neuve Palace" and "Rath Museum", and in the center there is a statue of General "Dufour Laddi"; which was built in 1884.

How to get there:

The nearest bus stop is Genève, Place de Neuve

The nearest tram stop is Genève, Place de Neuve


Official Website

Tripadvisor website

Travelerpedia website

Geneva website






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