Interlaken Cable car (Interlaken Teleferik)

About the place

  • Country : Switzerland , Interlaken

  • Address : Rybigässli 25, 3818 Grindelwald, Switzerland

  • Category : Other Places

Interlaken Cable car (Interlaken Teleferik)


The "Interlaken Teleferik" cable car is one of the most popular activities for Swiss tourists.

It is also one of the attractions that is characterized by an abundance of visitors, especially those who love adventure, who want to enjoy the feeling of floating in the air over the mountains and greenery.

You can spend enjoyable time traveling over the mountains, valleys and villages near the cable car, so that you can see the cliffs and the magnificent "Lake Brienz" in an inspiring panoramic view.

If you are a fan of adventure, it may be a great opportunity for you to practice the exciting jump of the "jumpy" which is from the high altitude of "Interlaken cable car" and the feel flying free in the air.

How to get there:

The nearest bus stop is Interlaken, Drei Tannen

The nearest train station is Interlaken Ost


Official Website

Tripadvisor website

Urtrips website

Travelerpedia website

artravelers website

Switzerland Tourism website







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