Old Port of Marseille

About the place

Old Port of Marseille


The Old Port of Marseille is one of the most important large ports overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, attracting a large number of tourists who come to that place.

Historic overview:

With the passage of time, this port which is inscribed on World Heritage List became unavailable for pedestrians and outside the city’s life.

Through the process of reviving the port, the wharfs of the port became suitable for citizens. As a result, new informal places for artistic shows and events were held, in addition to cancelling the passage of cars and making a semi secure area for pedestrians.

The process of transforming the port is a link in the chain of projects that were completed when the city was declared to be the capital of European culture in 2013.

To increase pedestrian area, technical installations and boathouses on the wharfs have been removed and new platforms that overlook the sea have been built.

The plants were used on small scale because of the solid materials and the rough structure which is suitable for the port appearance.

The new design required the removal of wharfs and change the floor level to facilitate access and movement, as well as using iron barriers to achieve maximum flexibility.

The dome measures 46 by 22 meters, and its glossy reflecting surface of the light reflects the surrounding area. The dome is supported by thin columns and its edges are tapered which reduces the size of the dome and the visual impact of its structure.


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