Hallenbad - Indoor Swimming Pools and Saunas

About the place

  • Country : Austria , Zell am See

  • Address : Esplanade 16, 5700 Zell am See, Austria

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

Hallenbad - Indoor Swimming Pools and Saunas


• If you like swimming and the weather does not allow you to do so, all you have to do is go to the indoor swimming pools. Hallenbad is one of them in Zell am See and it is located in Freizeitzentrum area in the district center.

• The swimming pool contains 2 separate swimming pools and it is 74 meters long and 1 to 3 meters deep.

• The time for bathing and enjoying swimming is unlimited, and the tourist can enjoy swimming for as long as he wants without asking him to leave or stop.

• The sauna area offers many different types of saunas and cabins for infrared showers.

• The place also provides the ability to relax in the sun by providing medical chairs for this purpose.


Official Website

Muhtwa website

Urtrips website

Artravelers website






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