Eye Film Museum - EYE Filmmuseum

About the place

  • Country : Netherlands , Amsterdam

  • Address : IJpromenade 1, 1031KT Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Category : Museums

  • Establishing Date : 1895 AD

Eye Film Museum - EYE Filmmuseum


• The Eye Film Museum is the archive of Dutch cinema that preserves and displays all Dutch and foreign films that were shown in the Netherlands.

• The museum displays a permanent collection consisting of 37,000 movie titles, 60,000 posters, 700,000 photographs, and 20,000 books.

• The oldest material from the beginning of the film industry in the Netherlands dates back to 1895 AD.

• The lower floor of the Institute is only free and includes the permanent film exhibition on an area of approximately 1200 square meters.

• The whole building is a masterpiece of modern architecture.

• It contains four cinema halls, a film laboratory, and one of the largest film libraries in the world.

How to get there:

The nearest bus stop is Amsterdam, Buiksloterwegveer

The nearest ferry is Amsterdam, Veer Buiksloterweg


Official Website

travelerpedia website

takeweek website









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