Dôme les Almoravides

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Marrakesh

  • Address : 75 Derb Souk Cheria, Marrakech 40000, Morocco. Hall in Ben Youssef Square near the Marrakesh Museum and Ben Youssef Mosque.

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : eleventh century

  • founder : Ali ibn Yusuf

Dôme les Almoravides


• The "Almoravid Koubba" is distinguished as the oldest archaeological landmark in Marrakesh at all, as its construction dates back to the eleventh century, during the reign of Sultan Ali bin Youssef Almoravid. 

• The Sultan built it to be an ablution house for the worshipers who were going to the "Ben Youssef Mosque" - which was built by the Sultan himself - who had inherited the rule from his father, "Youssef bin Tashfin", the emir of the Almoravids and founder of Marrakesh.

Historical overview:

• History books report that it was "a desert place with a spacious yard, a vast courtyard, a vacant lot in which only deer and ostriches grow, and nothing grows except sidr and bitter melon."

• Currently, the majority of visitors to the "Almoravid Koubba" are foreign tourists, from North America and Europe, and most of them prefer to visit the "Marrakesh Museum", the "Ben Youssef" school and the "Almoravid Koubba" in one tour, as they are located a few meters away from each other, and during the visit to the "Almoravid Dome", tourists learn about the place of ablution known as the "lighted" and the "water tank".

Architectural Description:

• The dome building rises in the middle of a courtyard surrounded by 19 public fountains, which were buried under meters of rubble and ruins, and the dirt was not removed from it until the middle of the last century.

• The Almoravid Dome derives its strength and solidity from the materials used in its construction, as the “glaze” stone (relative to a mountain located outside the old city), the bricks, and wood added to a mixture rich in lime and sand contributed to the preservation of this Koubba and its resistance to the factors of time.

How to reach there:

To reach the "Almoravid Koubba ", it often needs to penetrate the twisting alleys of the "old city". Most visitors to Marrakesh prefer to start from "Jemaa el-Fnaa Square" - its most famous square - passing through the "Souk Semmarine ", before reaching the vicinity of "Ben Youssef" school. It is adjacent to the buildings of the Museum of Marrakesh, the "Almoravid Koubba ", the Ben Youssef Madrasa, Dar Blarig, and other monuments.


Culture ministry official website

aawsat website

batuta website

maghress website

visitmarrakech website

.urtrips website

dima-marrakech website

saaih website

oloum-omran website






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