Bab Er Robb

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Marrakesh

  • Address : Rue Oqba Ben Nafaa, Marrakech 40000, Morocco.

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : In the era of the Almohads

  • founder : Almohads

Bab Er Robb


• “Bab Er Robb” or “Red Gate”, also called grape juice, was in the past through which the entry of alcoholic beverages was controlled, and it is one of the gates of the historical city of Marrakesh.

• It was established during the Almohad era. It is located south of the city, close to Bab Agnaou, and leads to the road leading to the villages of Amzmiz and Asni.

Its Name:

Al-Robb, with the Dammah Haraka on the RA letter, is an intoxicating drink extracted mainly from berries and figs. It has been widely consumed since the time of the Almohads, passing through the Marinids and Saadians. To limit its spread, some scholars issued a fatwa prohibiting it. It was now sold hidden outside the city next to this door, and then the door was associated with the name of that drink.


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