Playa Blanca

About the place

Playa Blanca

Playa de Playa Blanca

(Blanca Beach)


Playa Blanca is the name of a geographical, marine and mountainous area on the coastal road, between the port of little palace and Tangier, overlooking neighboring Spain, a little distance from the Mediterranean Sea.

This beautiful beach contains small islands and landscapes that are the most beautiful, most wonderful, most romantic and magical. No one had any role in making this beach the most visited and attracting tourists.

Playa Blanca is characterized by clear blue skies, white sandy coasts, a beautiful climate, and islands covered with green trees and palms.

Playa Blanca is a beach, a rocky location and small buildings, overlooking the sea, interspersed with rocks, and tourist facilities, such as restaurants and cafes, but it lacks hotels, and all of them attract people, groups and individuals, from friends, families and couples, to recreation and walking along the coast or lying on the sand or tourism within the sea water, or reserve a place at one of the tables of restaurants and cafes scattered in the beautiful "Playa Blanca".


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