Le Lion d'ifrane

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Ifran

  • Address : National Road No. 8, Ifrane, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : March 1930 AD

  • founder : Henri Moreau

Le Lion d'ifrane


"Le Lion d'ifrane" is a famous statue in the form of lion in the middle of the city of Ifrane.

Historic Overview:

There are conflicting reports about who carved it. According to the ancient inhabitants of the region and the diaries of the French Resident-General "Leoti", it was a prisoner from World War I (who was German or Italian). However, it was most likely, according to many archives, witnesses and references, "Henri Moreau", a Frenchman born in Bordeaux, the one who carved it. The process of sculpting the "Le Lion d'ifrane" began in March 1930 AD and was completed at the end of April of the same year, on a rock of seven meters in length, a meter and half in width, and two meters in height. Henri used two prisoners in his work.

This statue, which has become a symbol and a sign of the city, symbolizes the extinct Lion of Atlas, who lived for many years in the region, after the Romans brought it in to fight the gladiators and criminals condemned to death in the Colosseum. The Romans was transporting lions from North Africa to Rome in completely closed cages, and imprisoning them for several days without food to become more vicious; and then they was setting them free for the gladiators and the criminals sentenced to death.


Morocco Ministry of Tourism

Asharq Al-Awsat Newspaper







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