
About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Tetouan

  • Address : Tetouan, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities


- The Moroccan city of Martil is a beautiful tourist city located on the northern coast of the M'diq-Fnideq in the Tetouan Governorate in Morocco.

- "Martil" is a word of Spanish origin (Rio Martin) that the Spaniards called the city during the Spanish occupation of it.

- This city is characterized by beautiful and clean beaches, as it has recently witnessed a lot of architectural reforms to promote it as a tourist destination.
Martil famous landmarks: 
- Martil Tower: The Martil Tower is one of the historical evidence of the city’s history. This tower is located on the left bank of the Wadi Martil estuary from the Tamouda area opposite the city of Tetouan. The tower is nothing but a military fortress ordered to be built by the commander Ahmed bin al-Basha al-Raifi in 1719 AD; to protect the Moroccan coast of Tetouan.

- Martil port: Throughout the history of the city of Martil, which witnessed an important position during the Spanish colonization, the port of Martil had great importance, and it maintained that position until the eighteenth century. The port of Martil is an old and important port on the Mediterranean Sea, built by the Spanish colonization. During the period of the Spanish occupation, the Spaniards occupied it, and protected it from erosion by means of earth-moving bulldozers, to protect ships in port. We also mention that the port of Martil is similar in its construction to the port of Aboua in the capital, Rabat, and the port of Regreg in Kenitra.

- In the modern era, this city has become a tourist city after the great development it witnessed through the construction of hotels, shopping and trade places, and tourism projects, the most important of which is the beach corniche, which is 2,200 meters long, and with international specifications to include car parking, park benches, green spaces, and sports fields. The Corniche has greatly promoted the importance of Martil city as a tourist destination for tourists from different regions.

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