About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Tetouan

  • Address : Tetouan, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : 15th century

  • founder : Abu al-Hassan Ali al-Mandhari


- The Kasbah "KASBAH SIDI AL-MANDRI" is located in the northwestern part of the city of Tetouan.

- The Kasbah was a place to observe all external movement and trade passages from one of its towers.

- It was built during the 15th century by the first founder of the city, ""Abu al-Hassan Ali al-Mandhari", and the construction period took 20 years.

- The Kasbah "Sidi al-Manzari" contains various social needs including a house, a bathroom, a mosque for prayer and worship, and a castle for outside observation.

- It was the residence of the city's founder, "Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Mandri", as well as a seat of government and authority, and a military base to direct various military movements.
Architectural Description: 
- In the current period, it is a wall with a length of sixty-five meters and a height of seven meters.  Also there are three towers are attached to it. The northern and southern sides of the wall are distinguished by the presence of two square towers. In the middle of the wall there is a polygonal tower. The towers are linked to each other through a guard corridor that is entered through a staircase next to the Kasbah Gate.

- Because of its ancient and ancient architecture, the Kasbah "Sidi Al-Mandri" attracts many visitors from different countries of the world, especially those interested in the ancient history of Andalusia from Arab and foreign tourists as one of the most important tourist places in Tetouan.
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