
About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Tetouan

  • Address : Tetouan, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : 1807


- The Jewish district in Tetouan in the past, but today the district is considered a place for tourists.

- The district is located close to several important sites and landmarks in Tetouan, such as the Museum of Modern Art and Hassan II Palace
Historical Description: 
- the "Mallah" district is located in the old city of Tetouan. It was built in 1807 AD after the old Mallah district was demolished to expand the Great Mosque.

- The current location of the Mellah district was a chapel that Sultan "Mawlay Suleiman" gave to the Jews to build their district after the Sultan decided to expand the Great Mosque.
Architectural Description:
- The "Mallah district" is characterized by the presence of many commercial shops, which tourists visit to shop and buy various traditional antiques, dry fruits and spices, which attract many tourists from home and abroad, especially those looking for traditional decorations and spices for authentic Moroccan cuisine.

- The "Mallah district" includes many of the activities that were practiced by the Jews; Such as: selling dresses, selling sewing supplies, and the city is full of shops, as 50 percent of the Jews were subsisting from trade in the Mellah district during their stay in the district.

- The urban planning of the Mellah is characterized by consistency, the length of the alleys and their parallel straightness, with a modern vertical layout.
tetouanplus website

Batuta website


Tetuán Geo newspaper







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