Royal Palace of Meknes

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Meknes

  • Address : Meknes, Morocco

  • Category : Palaces and Castles

  • Establishing Date : at the beginning of the 18th century AD

  • founder : Moulay Ismail

Royal Palace of Meknes

Palais Royal de Meknes 

Dar El-Makhzen


It is located inside the Ismaili Kasbah, built by Moulay Ismail at the beginning of the 18th century AD, and it has the character of military architecture.

This princely complex called the Kasbah consists of the palaces of Al Dar Al Kabirah, Dar Al-Mansour, Dar Al-Madrasah, Dar Al-Mahnasha, and six large gardens.

Historic overview:

Sultan "Moulay Ismail" ordered the construction of huge buildings in his capital, the city of "Meknes", which he was working on before his accession to the throne, including many palaces connected to each other, surrounded by walls and gardens.


Website of the Ministry of Culture of Morocco

meknes website

agazaclick website






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