
About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Meknes

  • Address : Route de Volubilis, Morocco, It is located 30 kilometers west of Meknes, three kilometers west of the city of Moulay Idriss.

  • Category : Urban Facilities



It is an ancient Moroccan city dating back to the third century BC, and classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It is located 30 kilometers west of Meknes, three kilometers west of the city of Moulay Idriss.

Architectural Description:

It contains two main buildings: the main building and the Roman temple. It also contains many ancient mosaic panels.

This region was characterized by some of the elements that were the reason for the establishment of civilizations in it, the most important of which are:

The multiplicity of fresh water sources, such as: Oued Khoumane and Oued Fertassa, which were the lifeblood of the region and helped to fertilize all the lands next to them and make them suitable for agriculture.

In addition to the existence of some natural resources, such as the quarries of Mount Zerhoun, which helped in the construction process, which led to the reconstruction of the area from shops, bakeries, contemporary buildings and residential buildings.

It also contributed to craftsmanship, as excavations, after research and excavation, revealed the presence of many different valuable archaeological artifacts, such as sculptures, statues, coins and pots.

Some residential places that are characterized by their large area and mosaic panels that increased their beauty and value were also found. Among the most important houses that have been found (Orphie House, Venus House, Hercules House, Cordian Palace, Old Court, Arch of Triumph, and Public Square).

Historic overview:

Volubilis is considered one of the most important Moroccan cities due to its historical and cultural value, which indicates its antiquity and originality.

Many civilizations have passed through the city before the spread of the Islamic religion and the establishment of Islamic states. The most important of these civilizations is the (Roman) civilization, which remained for long periods in this region, so it had a great influence on it until the Idrisid state was able to impose its control over the country.


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