Madrasa Bou Inania

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Meknes

  • Address : This school is located to the east of the Great Mosque, Meknes, Morocco

  • Category : Educational Centers

  • Establishing Date : 747 AH / 1346 AD.

  • founder : Sultan “Abu al-Hassan bin Abi Said bin Abdul Haq,”

Madrasa Bou Inania


One of the most important historical monuments in Meknes is “Bou Inania Madrasa”, which is also known as “Madrasa El Filalia” and “Madrasa El Kadi”.

This school is located to the east of the Great Mosque.

Historic overview:

The construction of this school was ordered by Sultan “Abu al-Hassan bin Abi Said bin Abdul Haq,” the most important of Bani Marin sultans in building schools throughout Morocco, and construction work was completed in the year 747 AH / 1346 AD.

The Meknes School is one of the seventeen schools that were established by this sultan, but he died before it was built, and was completed by his son, Sultan “Abu Inan”. He had inherited from his father his love and fondness for building schools, so he built one school in old Fez and completed his father's school in Meknes. Therefore, the two schools were known as " Bou Inania".

The Bou Inania Madrasa is an architectural masterpiece in Meknes. It is not preceded in Morocco in terms of luxury construction except for the "Great" school in Marrakesh. 

The Marinids provided the students of their schools with all the means that would help them in their livelihood and ensure that they devote themselves to study. They presented to them grants, gifts, and clothing, and provided them with food.

In addition to the completion of the Sultan "Abu Inan" of his father's school in "Meknes", this sultan built another school in Fez in the year 756 AH / 1350 AD, and it is considered one of the most beautiful schools in Morocco from the architectural and decorative aspects.

Architectural Description:

The Bou Inania Madrasa is similar in its architectural design to the Marinid schools dedicated to teaching one school of thought, the Maliki school.

It consists of a middle open courtyard, which is preceded by the qibla iwan from the south. The halls of the students are distributed around the other three sides, which are similar to the "Ibn Youssef" school in Marrakesh.

The "Meknes School" is characterized by its large area, the spaciousness of the qibla iwan, the multiplicity of students' rooms, and the largeness of its cistern, which is in the middle of the open courtyard.

Wood was used extensively in the architecture of this school, and plaster was used in the interior wall cladding, and the floors of the iwan and the courtyard were covered with Zellige tiles.


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