Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Meknes

  • Address : Meknes, Morocco

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

  • founder : The mausoleum of "Moulay Ismail" was founded by his son, nicknamed "Al-Dhahabi".

Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail


The mausoleum is located near a historical landmark that is no less important than the landmarks of Meknes and Morocco, which is "Bab Mansour", which is considered one of the largest and most beautiful gates in the Arab world.

The mausoleum's elaborate fountains, with delicate Arabic-Islamic architecture, are a source of great contemplation and admiration.

Near the mausoleum which has a sundial, you will find an old market displaying souvenirs from the city of Meknes.

Historic overview:

The mausoleum of "Moulay Ismail" was founded by his son, nicknamed "Al-Dhahabi".

It includes the remains of three kings: Moulay Ismail, the builder of the mausoleum Ahmed al-Dhahabi, and the reformer of the mausoleum, Moulay Abd al-Rahman Ibn Hisham (1238 - 1275 AH 1823 - 1858 AD), and in addition to these the tomb of Mrs. Khenatha, the wife of Moulay Ismail.

This mausoleum is considered a luxurious landmark in which a summary of handicrafts gathered from inscriptions on marble, wood, gypsum, and glazed tiles with ornaments and colors, and next to this mausoleum there is the tomb of Sidi Abd al-Rahman al-Majdoub.


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