
About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Fes

  • Address : Moulay Yacoub is about 22 km from the city of Fez

  • Category : Urban Facilities



This region is one of the most prominent medical tourism sites in Morocco because of its natural waters, which arrive from the source hot, salty and sulfurous in a mixture suitable for skin diseases and rheumatism.

The population of "Moulay Yacoub" is 150,422 people, but it carries more than this number due to the large influx of tourists from various Moroccan and European cities.

Moulay Yacoub is about 22 km from the city of Fez, and is considered the first modern Piscine Thermale in Morocco with international specifications, after a new medical and mineral station was established in the late eighties of the last century, with local and Gulf funding.

It includes several modern facilities such as swimming pools, bathtubs, baths, sprays, medical dressage rooms, hydro-massage and steam bath, as well as other rooms specialized in treating diseases of the nose, ear, throat, uterus, and cosmetology.

Historic overview:

"Moulay Yacoub" was discovered in 1900 AD, and it was not equipped until 1965 AD.

Several legends linked the name of this water to the Sultan "Moulay Yacoub", as he was suffering from a disease that could not be cured, but when he bathed in this water he was cured after a week.

Architectural Description:

The architecture of this area is similar to the old buildings in Fez, but it is distinguished from it that it can be “attached” to a mountain on its facade from the bottom to the top, there are dozens of houses in a beautiful scene that impresses tourists.


Moulay Yacoub Facebook page

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newspaper alitihad

region-fes-meknes website




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