
About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Fes

  • Address : At the foot of the Middle Atlas Mountains, twenty-eight kilometers southeast of the city of Fez

  • Category : Urban Facilities



Sefrou is the Moroccan city whose name is associated with the famous saying of the Moulay “Idris II” “I will leave from the city of Sefrou to the village of Fez,” which make historians deduce that the city of Sefrou was founded long before Fez.

It is a small city located at the foot of the Middle Atlas Mountains, twenty-eight kilometers southeast of the city of Fez, it is a small Moroccan city in size but the second largest city in Fez, with a population of approximately 65,150 people.

It was called "Sefrou" in relation to the Berber tribe that inhabited it, and it was known as the people of "Sefrou".

The old city consisted of two sections: the old city, and the second section: the castle; They are the historical basis of the city until now.

Historic overview:

“Sefrou” means the concave area. Despite the small area of the city, its history was the basis for the coexistence of a different religions. It is an example of a tolerant city where there are three types of religions that have continued to coexist for very long periods. These religions are: Islam, Judaism, Christianity.

The construction of the city is characterized by simplicity and its walls are high and tall, in order to resist any external attack.

The city is most famous for its many fruits and is called the love of kings; It is the only city characterized by the production of such quantities of the royal fruit in Morocco.

Festival "Love of the Kings" "Cherry":

The "Love of the Kings" festival is one of the oldest festivals in Morocco. It is held annually. It was held for the first time in 1919 AD; This is on the occasion of picking the cherry fruit, for which the city of “Sefrou” is famous. In the festival, the Miss Love of Kings (cherry) and her runner-up are chosen coincides with the end of the cherry growing season, and it has been classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.


Sefrou Portal website

m.alyaoum24 website

mawdoo3 website






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