
About the place

  • Country : Turkey , Bursa

  • Address : Cumalıkızık Mahallesi, 16300 Yıldırım/Bursa.

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : 700 years to the early Ottoman era



• The "Ottoman Village Cumalikizik" is located in the east of Bursa on the Ankara road, 13 km from Bursa, and the village is linked to the "Yıldırım" area.

• Introducing the tourist to the village of Cumalikizik began by distributing propaganda leaflets related to the village in national and international fairs.

Historic overview:

• The history of this village goes back 700 years to the early Ottoman era, and it is one of the rare villages that managed to preserve the architectural building dating back to the Ottoman era and which still preserves the traditional style of life, and it is one of the five villages located on the edges of "Mount Uludag".

• Of the 270 Cumalikizik houses, 57 were registered as examples of civil architecture. Besides these houses there are mosques, bathrooms, faucets, and two historical pine trees.

• Protection was imposed on the village in 1980 in order to preserve the character of the village, and its reconstruction is still going on.

Architectural Description:

• The houses of the village of " Cumalikizik " bear the character of the Ottoman Turkish architecture, as these houses consist mostly of two or three floors, and these houses are entered through a wooden door, where the floor of the courtyard is built of dirt or stone, the ground floor with its low ceiling represents the winter part of the house and the second floor with a high ceiling represents the summer part of the house, and thus life in the houses is organized according to the climate.

• Mostly, the use of rocky materials with wood prevails in the ground layers, wooden materials with bricks in the upper layers and wooden materials with bricks in the attic, and the walls are mostly yellow, blue, white, violet and green, there are no windows in the ground layers to preserve the sanctity of the house, as there are windows in the empty rooms.


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