Eski Kaplica Bath

About the place

  • Country : Turkey , Bursa

  • Address : Kükürtlü Mahallesi, Eski Kaplıca Sk. 7-1, 16080 Osmangazi/Bursa Turkey

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

Eski Kaplica Bath


The " Eski Kaplica Bath" is one of the oldest baths in Bursa. It is characterized by its Byzantine building and springs that protect from many diseases.

Tourists visit it for the purpose of treatment, as it is one of the best places of the medical tourism.

The "Eski Bath" contains springs with different temperatures and hot springs for the medical treatment of various diseases.

The bathroom also has a nice and attractive water fountain.


Batuta website

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Tourism in Istanbul tourism-istanbul

Murtahil website






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