Istanbul University

About the place

  • Country : Turkey , Istanbul

  • Address : Beyazıt, 34452, Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Category : Educational Centers

  • Establishing Date : 1453 AD

  • founder : Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror

Istanbul University


Istanbul University is one of the oldest Public universities in Turkey.

The history of Istanbul University dates back to the Islamic conquest of Istanbul in 1453 by Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror who noticed the importance of the city and developed it scientifically to be the center of science and culture. 

It contains many faculties but the main campus is located in Beyazıt Square, the most prestigious faculties: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Political Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Engineering.  

Notable alumni: the Turkish President “Abdullah Gül”, Aziz Sancar who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the writer “Orhan Pamuk” who was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature and the chemist Adnan Taqi al-Din.

It considers one of the best 15 universities of Turkey, it includes more than 5,000 professors and it became within the best 500 universities in the world.

 It is ranked the third in Turkey and 710 in the world. 

The history of university:

The education cycle began in Hagia Sophia church which was converted in to mosque after the Islamic conquest of Istanbul, and Zeyrek church, they were the main roots of the university. Mathematics, astronomy, literature and law were taught beside the religious sciences, also medicine was taught in the biggest hospital in Istanbul “Dar Al-Shafaka hospital”.

The construction continued until 1846, the Ottoman Empire decide to add new domains to develop Ottoman Empire's bureaucratic and military-technical capabilities.

Ottoman sultan Abdul Majid II decide to convert Istanbul University into a larger educational headquarters under the name Darülfünûnu (House of Multiple Sciences), in 1933, the Republic of Turkey officially recognized Istanbul Darülfünûnu as a state school and was recognized as Istanbul University.


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