Ulubat Lake (Ulubat Gölü)

About the place

  • Country : Turkey , Bursa

  • Address : To the south of the Sea of Marmara, Bursa, Turkey

  • Category : Seas, Rivers and Oceans

  • Establishing Date : The lake was declared a nature reserve in 1998

Ulubat Lake (Ulubat Gölü)


• Ulubat Lake is a freshwater lake, covering an area of approximately 140 square kilometers, but is so shallow that its deepest point is only 3 meters deep.

• Within the lake there are 7 islands, the largest of these islands is the island "Halilbey".

• There is a wonderful village called " Gölyazı Village" on a small peninsula on the coast of "Lake Ulubat", where its ancient houses and historical monuments embody what remains of the Roman era, as the foundation of the village dates back to that period.

• It is located to the south of the "Sea of Marmara", and the length of the lake extending in the east-west direction is 24 km and its width is 12 km.

• The lake was declared a nature reserve in 1998 due to its being a water area with a rich flora and fauna cover.

• Ulubat Lake in Bursa is famous for being one of the best natural attractions in the city and attracts thousands of tourists annually. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in Bursa, due to its being a nature reserve for a large number of birds and plants, which makes it an ideal landmark.


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