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About the city


Selangor is also known by the name of Dar el-Ehsan, is one of the states in Malaysia. Selangor space amounts to 8.104 square kilometres where around 6,073,180 people live there according to 2015 survey. The official language in Selangor is Malay and the Malaysian ringgit is the official currency. The state capital of Selangor is Shah Alam, where it’s about 25 kilometres far from Kuala Lumpur. Shah Alam space amounts to 290.3 kilometres which was founded in 1963 and was made the capital of Selangor in 1978.

Among the monuments in Selangor; Mines market where a water tunnel is located in the market, the light city also known as I-city, Sunway lagoon hotel that is located near Sunway lagoon theme park, Mines wonderland one of the most famous malls in Malaysia, Putrajaya mosque, Putrajaya park, tumbler waterfalls that is located near the Indian temple, Kuala Selangor city, sultan salah Aldin mosque, the golden horses hotel, and the Indian temple.