São Paulo
São Paulo is Brazil’s largest city, situated in South of Brazil. São Paulo means in Portuguese Saint Paul.
It is 400k.m away from Rio de Janeiro and 1030k.m away from the capital.
São Paulo considered one of the biggest industrial and commercial centers in Brazil.
São Paulo is the most populous city in Brazil and in South America and the world's fourth largest city.
In 2014 the population reached 41,055,734 people and the population density is 165.4.
The primary language is Portuguese but is little bit different from the Portuguese language in Portugal due to the large influx of immigrants from other races.
It is about 1.552,98 k.m2, three rivers run through it; Tietê,Tamanduateí and Pinheiros River, the highest point in the city is Pico de Garagua is 1135 meter.
The city has a subtropical climate, the mean annual temperature is about 18.3 °C.
Some attractions in the city:
Ibirapuera Park
Paulista Avenue
São Paulo Cathedral
Theatro Municipal de São Paulo
Municipal Market
The independence Museum