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About the city

 Al Jouf

It is located in Saudi Arabia, and covers a total area of about 85000 square Kilometers.

Therefore, it occupies 4.3% of the total area of the country, with a population of more than 600 thousand people.

Sakaka is the capital of Al-Jouf province, located in the northern part of the Sahara Desert. It has a population of over

300 thousand people. In addition, it is one of the famous places that produces olive oil.

Al-Jouf is located in the northwestern part of Saudi Arabia. It is bordered on the north and east by the border area.

It is bordered on the southern side by Hail and Tabuk. Also, it is bordered from the north and the west by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

It is limited to latitudes 32 and 29 to the north, and between longitudes 42 and 37 to the east. The height of the city ranges from 500 to 580 feet above sea level.

It is a strategic area because it serves as a border area and the northern entrance to the country.

The climate in the region is the continental desert; it is cold in winter, hot and dry during summer.

The average temperature during summer is 30 ° C, and in winter it is 9 ° C.

The economy in the region depends mainly on the cultivation of olive trees, which are estimated of more than 12 million trees. Also, the palm trees are more than one million trees.

The city hosts an annual celebratiom, known as the Olive Festival, which takes place at the end of the season.

It is held during December and January at the beginning of the New Year.

The most important monuments in al-Jouf are Zaabal Castle, Sisra well, Hadhra Ghar, Al-Tuwair village, Qaf Castle, and ancient archaeological area, Al Mezahen Palace, Saidi hill, Omar ibn al-Khattab Mosque, may Allah be pleased with him, and , columns of Rajajil, Mount Prince,

Al Saie hill, Rajajil columns, Mount Prince, dumat-al-jandal-wall, and Newaiser Museum