Souk El Tayeb (Farmers' Market)

About the place

Souk El Tayeb (Farmers' Market)


Souk El Tayeb is an open-air farmers' market in Downtown Beirut, and it specializes in providing organic products to buyers in Lebanon.

This market was established in 2004 and it is the first of its kind in the country. The aim of establishing it is to bring local communities together to share local food ideas and local traditions, and to promote the culture of small-scale agricultural production in Lebanon.

Every Saturday, farmers from all over the country gather there, with their fresh products, juices, jam and fresh milk to be sold to the public.

In addition to that, the market also includes a popular restaurant known as the table (Al Tawla), which is very popular among locals and tourists in Lebanon, because it is a destination where the visitor can learn about the style of food and cuisine in more than one Lebanese region at the same time. The restaurant's profit comes back to support farmers, chefs and producers.


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