Beirut Markets (Beirut Souks)

About the place

Beirut Markets (Beirut Souks)


Beirut Souks is a commercial area in the Lebanese city center of Beirut. It is one of the largest shopping areas in Beirut, as there are more than 200 stores inside it.

Beirut Souks are located in the center of the capital. It can be accessed from the sea road or from the Ashrafiah and Hamra areas, and it is considered one of the most important and beautiful commercial centers in Lebanon.

Historic overview:

Historically, the “Beirut Souks area” was the commercial nerve of Beirut until the year 1975 AD when the civil war began. The area was completely destroyed, and it was completely rehabilitated on modern models after the war by the Solidere Company, which preserved its basic features and the old street names.

Architectural description:

This market includes 300 shops on an area of 128,000 square meters, consisting of three floors, and has parking spaces distributed over four underground floors.

The new markets consist of old, low-rise buildings and are divided into two parts, the northern markets and the southern markets.

"Raphael Mono" designed the southern markets in collaboration with "Samir Khairallah". As for the gold markets in it, which contain 49 stores, it was designed by "Kevin Dash". The southern souks are distinguished by their alleys with arched roofs, under which shops lie.

On the sides of the market, we notice scientific centers, the "permanent scientific museum", and cinemas, as well as a large area, some of which have been devoted to holding artistic festivals of "Beirut Souks", and another to host weekly or periodical exhibitions such as "Souk Al Tayeb" from which its visitor purchases all kinds of Lebanese food.

The souks won the "Abita Shaw Award" in 2009 in the category of Architectural Excellence.


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Asharq Al-Awsat Newspaper

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