ABC Achrafieh Mall

About the place

  • Country : Lebanon , Beirut

  • Address : ABC, Alfred Naccache STR, Mar Mitr 2065, Beirut, Lebanon

  • Category : Markets and Commercial Complexes

  • Establishing Date : 2003

  • founder : Arab Banking Corporation

ABC Achrafieh Mall


It includes a wide range of stores that include international brands in addition to local products such as clothes, accessories, and family necessities, as well as restaurants and cinemas, and it is one of the most famous malls in Beirut.

The owner of the " ABC Achrafieh" is the Arab Banking Corporation.

The mall was completed in 2003.

Architectural description:

It is located on Alfred Naccache Street in Achrafieh area, downtown Beirut.

With its modern architecture and glass ceilings, this mega mall has gained immense popularity among its visitors.

It carries on its multiple floors the most famous international brands, especially French, to provide the shoppers with the most important perfume, fashion, and jewellery stores.

There is also free parking in this mall.

Historical overview:

The mall opened since 1936 AD, and it was the first retail store in the country for 75 years.

Thanks to the mall's innovation and creativity, ABC is one of the major shopping and lifestyle destinations in Lebanon, with 6 branches including 3 major stores that combine global shopping, restaurants and entertainment, ABC is reinventing itself to create the ultimate entertainment experience.

The "ABC Mall" is the largest shopping center in Beirut and the place where you can buy almost anything.

It is very popular with a variety of stores, restaurants, cafes and cinemas.

Some of the stores are Fenalen (furniture and home supplies), Maria Pino (shoes), Aishti (branded sunglasses), accessories and the Apple Store.


Urtrips website

The official website of the ABC Mall

Facebook of ABC Lebanon

Travelzad website









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