Battle of Bo'ath

About the place

  • Country : Saudi Arabia , Medina

  • Address : Al 'Areed, Medina 42314, Saudi Arabia

  • Category : Battles and Accidents

Battle of Bo'ath


Bo'ath is a battle that took place five years before the emigration, and is considered the most famous, latest and bloody battle between the people of Yathrib. Because of hatred - which was caused by the Jews - they began preparing for it two months - and it was said: 40 days - before it. The battle began when Khazraj knew that Banu Qurayza and Banu Al Nadir were helping Aws in their battles, then negotiations took place between them. The matter ended with Khazraj killing the hostages - forty young men - sent by the Jews for reassurance and peace.

Battle location:

Bo'ath is one of the places of Bani Qurayza from the outskirts of Al Madinah, which includes the Qury farm south of Al 'Areed, and it is today Al Rabwah scheme, opposite Al Rashid Mall to the west.

Al 'Areed region is bordered from the eastern side by the Third Ring Road and Al Rashid Mall, and it is bordered to the north by Al Qanan valley, and it is famous for its fresh water.


"Al Maghanem fima'alem Taba" by Fayrouz Abady p. 669

"Al Madina bain Al Mady walhader" by Al Sharif Ibrahim bin Ali Al-Ayashy, p. 370 Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Al Abbasi, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Mughairbi


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