Souk Al-Ghazal Mosque (El bey Mosque)

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Constantine

  • Address : Rue Didouche Mourad ex rue de france, Constantine, Algeria

  • Category : Mosques

Souk Al-Ghazal Mosque (El bey Mosque)

Mosquee El Bey


• Souk Al-Ghazal Mosque: the beginning of the construction was in the year 1703 AD by the Moroccan Abbas ibn Aloul Jalloul. He was in the service of Bey Hussein and the construction was completed in 1730 AD. It was modified, enlarged and transformed by the engineer Morse during the colonial period in the year 1838 AD, and was added to the Catholic Church under the name Notre-Dame des Sept-Douleurs, meaning The Lady of the Seven Pains, and after independence, it returned to its original nature as a mosque, and is currently known as El Bey Mosque.


Almrsal website

Djazairess website

Batuta website





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