Ali Bin Hussein Al Sada Library

About the place

  • Country : Qatar , Al Ruwais

  • Address : Street 895, Al Thakhira, Qatar

  • Category : Cultural Centers

  • Establishing Date : twentieth of Ramadan 1442 AH

  • founder : Ali Bin Hussein Al Sada

Ali Bin Hussein Al Sada Library


Ali Bin Hussein Al-Sada Library is an endowment library for every reader and science researcher, from the charitable works of Ali Bin Hussein Al-Sada, aas he had a dream since 2011 until this dream came into existence and the library was opened on the twentieth of Ramadan 1442 AH.

The opening was attended by a number of scholars and sheikhs, led by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Sagheer, member of the Board of Trustees of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.

The library contains the most important books in jurisprudence, interpretation, language, literature, economics, and many branches of science and knowledge. Its shelves contain more than twenty thousand books

Ali bin Hussein bin Ali Al Sada:

He was born on the twenty-second of January in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two AD in the city of Ruwais, located in the north of the State of Qatar. He grew up in the city of Ruwais, where he completed his primary, preparatory and secondary education there, and then completed his university education at Qatar University, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in sharia sciences.

He worked in several government sites and then moved to work in the private sector and established several companies working in the financial and real estate fields. He is now the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "Al-Sada Trading, Real Estate and Contracting", the Managing Director and Member of the Board of Directors of "Al-Ruwais Investment Company", and the Chairman and CEO of "Ali Bin Hussein Investment Group". He is also a board member of Qatar National Bank, Dlala Holding Company, Dar Tharawat Investment Company, Tharawat and Al Amal Investment Company. He is also a former member of the Board of Directors of Qatar Navigation Company. He has white hands in many charitable works inside Qatar, for example: the establishment of a house for memorizing the Qur’an in the city of Al-Ruwais bearing his name, and he presented a building for the Qatar Charity Association as well as in the city of Al-Ruwais. As for outside Qatar, he built many mosques in many Arab countries and wherever Muslims were found, including, for example, a mosque bearing his name in India in Kerala, and it can accommodate about 12 thousand worshipers. He has organized and borne the costs of the marriage of 50 young men in Gaza and supports many orphaned children in Gaza and other countries.


Twitter Abdul Aziz Al Owaid

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