The well of Ma'unah

About the place

  • Country : Saudi Arabia , Medina

  • Address : Mahd Ad Dhahab, Saudi Arabia

  • Category : Wells and Springs

The well of Ma'unah

Historical Overview:

The Well of Ma'unah is located between Bani `Amir and Hirrah (volcanic and stony area) of Bani Salim, but it is nearer to the latter. Also, it is said it is located in the way of Al Mas`ad between Madinah and Mecca and it is owned by Bani Salim.

Current Location:

The Well of Ma'unah is located in "Abli" which is a black mountain chain located west of Al Mahd "previously known as Ma'aden Bani Salim" to the north, and connected to the west by the great Hirrah (volcanic and stony area) of Al Hijaz, which is known today as Diyar Mutair.


"Mo'jam Al Boldan" by Yaqut Al Hamawi 1/302

"Mo'jam Al-ma'alem Al-Ghoghrafya fil-Syrah Al Nabawiah" by 'ateq bani Ghaith Al blady p. 52

"Al-Atlas Al-Tarekhy lsyrat Al-Rasoul" by Samy Al Maghlouth p. 254


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