Mers El Kébir

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Oran

  • Address : Mers El Kébir, Algeria

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Mers El Kébir


• The port of Mers El Kébir is the largest naval military base in the Arab world and at the level of the Mediterranean Sea. Part of Mers El Kébir was built inside the mountain and is located west of the city of Oran, and it is the largest naval base against nuclear weapons in the Mediterranean.


harb al thalathome'at sana bayn algaza'er wa aspania 1492-1792, Ahmad Tawfiq al-Madani, p. 379

harb al thalathome'at sana bayn algaza'er wa aspania 1492-1792, Ahmed Tawfiq Al-Madani, p. 380

Fernández Duro p. 50

San Miguel p.364

San Miguel p.365

San Miguel p.370

Fernández Duro p. 51

Fernández Duro p. 52

Sánchez Doncel p. 180

Sánchez Doncel p. 182

The port's official Facebook





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