Great Mosque of Constantine

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Constantine

  • Address : Rue Larbi Ben M'Hidi, Constantine, Algeria

  • Category : Mosques

Great Mosque of Constantine

Grande Mosquée de Constantine


One of the oldest houses of God, as it was built in the year 530 AH corresponding to 1163 AD, it is located in Nahj Larbi Ben M'Hidi (New Road), where it constitutes a true museum of columns, as there are cylindrical columns with a diameter ranging between 30 and 60 cm, and columns with bulging and smooth shapes and also columns with channels.

The mosque was built during the reign of the trustworthy ruler Yahya bin Tamim bin al-Muizz bin Badis, and exactly by Muhammad Bu Ali al-Baghdadi during the reign of the Sanhaji state, the grave of Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Marrakchi, who died in 1222 AD, was found on its lower side during the presence of the French colonizer.

The mosque experienced many changes, as its eastern side was expanded in 1561 AD by the Bin Lafqon family, and its minarets were renewed in 1951 AD by the French authorities with the repair of its roof and doors and repainting, and the last operation for the mosque, in which Sheikh Abdul Hamid bin Badis and many sheikhs and prominent scholars studied, was in 2005 AD, where it underwent a restoration process of one billion and 300 million centimes.


Echoroukonline website

Djazairess website








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