Sidi Rached Bridge

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Constantine

  • Address : Pont Sidi Rached, Constantine, Algeria

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Sidi Rached Bridge

Pont Sidi Rached


• Sidi Rached Bridge, which is carried by 27 arches and the largest of which has a diameter of 70 meters, which made it classified as the largest stone bridge in the world in terms of the diameter of the arches, and its height is estimated at 105 meters.

• Works began at Sidi Rached Bridge in 1908 AD, and it was supervised by the French engineer Auban Irod with the help of engineer Paul Sigourney.

• Sidi Rached Bridge faces, at the edges of the sand and the limestone rocks of the city, Sidi M'Cid Bridge, known as the suspended bridge. The idea of its constructing emerged in 1903 AD by the French engineer Moreno, but it was suspended due to some technical problems. The project was resurrected by the French engineers Rabi and Sueller in 1909, where they sought help from the company of the French engineer, Vardinon Arnaudan, who is one of the most famous engineers and designers of metal suspended bridges in Europe, and the works ended with this landmark linking Elkasabah and Constantine Hospital in 1912 AD.


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