Boulimat Beach

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Béjaïa

  • Address : Boulimat, Béjaïa, Algeria

  • Category : Islands and Beaches

Boulimat Beach

Boulimat Plage


Boulimat Beach is considered one of the best beaches of Bejaia, which has witnessed official attention lately in an attempt to make it a distinctive coastal point that attracts the local residents of the country or the city and visitors from other countries.

Boulimat Beach is characterized by clear waters and calm waves that make it a safe and ideal spot for swimming for adults, children and non-professionals, in addition to its charming view of the mountains and green forests, and its privileged location close to other recreational areas of Bejaia, such as the port of Bani Kassila for fishing.

Boulimat Beach also offers vacationers stalls selling snacks, and ice cream. There are also series of luxury homes that can be rented during vacation time.


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